J Simpson Photography - Indianapolis and Greenwood Newborn Photographer

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Preparing for your Newborn Photography Session

Hiya! Ok, ever wondered what to expect during your newborn photography session, how to prepare and what to bring with you to the studio? Then this post is for you! Every photographer does it differently, so even if you've had one with a prior child, you may experience something different here at J Simpson Photography! 

Here are my top 4 tips on preparing for your newborn session:

1. Book It Early!

I know, I preach this all the time, but on top of pregnancy brain, if you wait until the last minute to book your Indianapolis newborn session, you're going to be frazzled, exhausted, forgetful, wondering if you're a terrible mother and how long it's gonna take your baby to start sleeping like a normal person. So as soon as you decide you want newborn pictures, get your due date on the books. Then all you have to do is tell your photographer when you actually give birth to nail down a firm date and time. Plus, this ensures you end up getting the photographer you really want instead of whoever happens to be available. 

You can also take the time to discuss with your photographer the types of props you might really like, color schemes and whether you have a special blanket/toy/whatever you want to incorporate. Because these are things that need to be planned by your newborn photographer - you can't just spring it on them and expect the photos to come out the way you like:)

2. Dress In Layers and Pack a Diaper Bag

In my newborn photography studio, I aim to have the temperature around 80 degrees during a session, so plan on taking some layers off. You'll also need the following in your diaper bag:



-bottle and formula (if not breastfeeding or supplementing)

-a couple changes of clothes

I always have burp cloths and extra diapers, but if there are a certain type you like or you're afraid of sensitivities, it's best to have your own on board. 

3. Bring a Book/Laptop and Relax

Ladies, listen to me....WE ARE TRAINED TO SOOTHE AND COMFORT YOUR BABY FOR YOU, AS WELL AS HOW TO SAFELY WRAP AND POSE THEM. Or, at least your newborn photographer should be. This is something you should inquire about during step one. We want you to sit back and watch and not feel like you need to do a thing..unless baby is breastfed and tells us he's hungry. Then you're on duty:)

Read a book, get some work done on your laptop, take a nap, eat a snack....heck, go shopping or have a beer down the block if you really want to. Your job is basically just to show up and enjoy the moment. It will all be a blur later, so have some fun and enjoy the fact that someone else is taking care of baby for you for a bit!

4. One Last Thing

A lot of newborn photographers have a ton of pre-session instructions to follow, but I've found there are only a couple I'm really concerned about. I always ask mom to dress baby in something that buttons instead of needing to be pulled over baby's head (because come on, even adults don't like pulling tight things over their heads, right?). 

I also just tell them to go about their schedule as normal, and feed baby when he/she's hungry. If baby isn't hungry before leaving for the studio, just feed him/her when you arrive. If they ate before you left and don't seem hungry when you get here, we'll just wait until they act like they're really hungry. Don't stress about it. Baby will sense it and feed off of that (no pun intended), so just go about your morning as normally as possible, and it will make the session much more enjoyable for everyone!

See you soon!
