J Simpson Photography - Indianapolis and Greenwood Newborn Photographer

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Tips on How to Calm Baby from an Indianapolis Newborn Photographer

Hiya! Have you ever wondered how newborn photographers are able to pose babies and dress them in everything under the rainbow and STILL get a decent photograph? 

Well, it's not really rocket science....but new mommas who are already sleep deprived and dealing with an upset bub might think we're baby whisperers in real life. I'll break down the three biggest things every newborn photographer utilizes during a session to get baby to settle and sleep well:

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and the information in this post shouldn't be taken as medical advice. You should never do anything that you feel may put your baby's health or well-being in jeopardy. Consistent or excessive fussiness may indicate an underlying medical issue, and if this is what you're experiencing, you should consult your healthcare provider immediately.

1: Heat

Though we must be careful not to overheat baby, it's important to remember that they don't regulate their body temperature very well, and are less apt to be happy half-naked or naked if they're not warm - this is why most babies scream at mom when she's changing their diaper. I heat my studio to 80 degrees AND have a separate space heater close to baby during my sessions. The adults are always sweating and I'm usually in a tank top in the middle of winter by the end of it, but it's the only way to do it! So, if baby is upset at home, see if their hands/feet feel cold and need covered, or consider they may need an extra layer to get comfy - and don't forget the hat in the colder months!

2: White Noise & Movement

I always play music during sessions, but with babies I'll go with white noise or lullabies/easy listening on the stereo. If baby gets upset or unsettled, I shhhh them a lot! The secret is to match their volume - the louder the cry, the louder I will shush them and I'm not afraid to get quite near to their ear, either. Now that doesn't mean I'm so loud that I may hurt their hearing, but loud enough to get their attention over their cry. One important thing to remember is the closer you are to baby, the less volume needed. They're accustomed to the same noise in momma's tummy!

I will also combine this with movement - either rocking, patting their back/bottom, walking with them and bouncing them....different babies like different things, so it takes some experimenting to determine what types of movement settle them best. With my own children, I had one who wanted to be bounced so hard that it seemed wrong - but I knew I did Tae Bo with him in my belly, so he was used to being bounced around a lot. One of my girls just wanted to lay on my shoulder while I patted her bottom, and the other one just loved to be rocked. Experiment and see what works with your baby!

3: Swaddling

Ok, I have a lot of parents tell me their baby can't stand to be swaddled, but the way a newborn photographer does it is way different than you likely do it at home. There's a delicate balance between getting a wrap tight enough to keep baby comfy and getting it so tight that we may put their ability to breathe correctly in jeopardy. Newborn photographers also use long wraps that wouldn't be safe for baby to sleep in at home, but there are ways to  mimic it safely! With my own kids, I had the nurses show me how they used a receiving blanket to wrap them up at the hospital and frequently used their methods, but I also invested in the swaddling sleepsacks to keep those arms tucked away so they couldn't scratch themselves and wake up mad!

This isn't a complete list of all the methods I've used, but as a mother I'd say these are the most-used for me in everyday life. Maybe you've heard it before, or maybe you've forgotten, or maybe you learned something new? Let me know what has worked for you!

Keywords: Indianapolis newborn photographernewborn photographernewborn photographers