6 Tips for Getting the Most from Your Senior Session

 Congratulations on reaching the end of your high school career! Graduation is a huge moment in any student’s life. Whether you’re preparing to head off to college or start your career, or even if you’re taking a gap year, this moment marks a huge milestone both in your life and the lives of your parents, and it deserves to be celebrated.



Senior portraits are a perfect way to capture your transition into adult life, but getting in front of the camera can be a little nerve-wracking for some. You may not know how to pose or what expression to have on your face. Do you smile? Do you face the camera or look away? What time of year should you have your photos taken?


Well, we’re here to answer all your questions. In fact, that’s why we put together this list of tips for getting the most out of your senior session and getting images you’ll love. And if you still have questions after reading these tips, feel free to ask!


Trust your photographer

This is the number one tip for any type of photo shoot. You hired a professional to ensure you get images you love and will want to share with family and friends, so trust their expertise. Even if you’ve never worked with a pro photographer before, you can rest assured that they will guide you through poses, making sure they get the best possible shots. When you choose a photographer who specializes in senior portraits, you get to work with someone who has years of experience taking just the type of photos you’re looking for and who is sure to provide you with photos you’ll adore!


Be fully present

You probably hear a lot about mindfulness these days, but one of the best ways to truly enjoy your senior session and feel more comfortable is to simply be in the moment. Don’t stress about your hair or makeup or how you’re standing. Just focus on relaxing and being your genuine self. Talk to your photographer, interact with them, and chances are they’ll encourage a smile or laugh out of you. These small, fun moments are so much more authentic than carefully posed and staged portraits and will allow your true personality to show through your photos.


Have fun

Speaking of showing off your personality, don’t be afraid to look silly, act goofy, or make a funny face. Sometimes a ridiculous pose is just the thing you need to loosen up! Dance around, wave your arms, go frolicking through a field—your senior session is all about you, from the things you love to your high school accomplishments. The more you let yourself relax and have fun, the more you show off who you are, which is exactly what everyone wants to see.


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