Indianapolis Doulas

Have you ever considered getting a Doula? A doula is a professional labor assistant who provides physical and emotional support to you and your partner during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. They can help you and your baby a tremendous amount.

Northeast Indiana Doula Services

Northeast Indiana Doula Services gives the opportunity to encourage, educate, and empower women during some of the most vulnerable times of their lives, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, or loss. Their website is able to provide you with information you will need to get your own doula to go along this journey with you and your child. There are many different kinds of services available with Northeast Indiana Doula Services and they are just a call away.

 Circle City Doulas 

The Circle City Doulas is in the top 3 of 168 reviewed doulas in Indianapolis. Once you get on their website, you immediately get a message icon where you can talk to Tamrha Richardson (Circle City Doula) or, if she’s not available, you can leave a message that gets sent to her. Her goals are to ease mothers at any stage of their pregnancy to have someone in their corner. They promise to serve and welcome everyone with open arms.

 Indiana Birth & Parenting 

Indiana Birth & Parenting are known for their best doula services in Indianapolis. Their main goal is to make sure all mothers are feeling supported during their pregnancy. They try to give a mother every possible opportunity to have a great pregnancy from beginning to end.

On their website, they give you a full look into their doulas’ services. They show a tab that shows their education and experience in the field. They provide as much information that you will need to know exactly what you're looking for in a doula.


Rileigh is One!


Ideas for a Gender Reveal