Preparing Your Toddler for A Professional Photography Session

Hi there! Today let’s talk about how to (ideally) prepare your toddler for their professional photography session!

Let’s face it, toddlers are hard. Once you think you’ve figured them out, they flip the switch and you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing all over again. They always find a way to keep you on your toes.

Keeping that in mind, here are a few tips I’ve found to help toddlers (and you) prepare for professional pictures:

1.       Talk about it ahead of time.

I know this seems like a common sense suggestion, but when you book your Indianapolis child photography session, it’s what you are planning for them. Your tiny human probably doesn’t like surprises that don’t involve what they want. So prepare them by involving their favorite activity, characters, or snacks! Make them excited! Toddlers can be easily persuaded by BRIBES. I am NOT above bribing my children.

2.       Avoid food rewards during your session.

Yes, I suggested bribing your toddler with snacks, but those are best given before or afterwards. During your session, your Indianapolis child photographer (aka me 😊) is going to capture beautiful pictures of your toddler! The last thing you’ll want forever pictured Is little man’s blue mouth from the blue raspberry sucker you enticed him with. Some of these snacks/treats are also sticky and will end up all over your toddler, and your photographer’s props. Definitely reward your toddler during your session with toys, praise, and snacks for AFTER the session!

3.       Schedule. Around. Their. Nap.

This is probably the most important tip I have to offer. While candid shots are great, nobody wants to spend good money on candid shots of a grumpy, uncooperative kiddo. Sure, tantrum shots are hilarious, but not when that’s all you get with your hard-earned money! Not to mention, your time. I’ve found it’s best to schedule early, well before their nap, or after their nap time. This will, theoretically, result in a happy and cooperative toddler for the session.

Hopefully these tips help you have a successful photography session with your tiny human! Let me know if you have any additional tips for the other mommas out there preparing for their toddler sessions!

See you soon!



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